Friday 20 November 2009

Things I have read this week

I seriously haven't got time to write all the thought-provoking, controversial and frankly world-shaking 'opinion' blog posts I'd like to write this week. Sorry, loyal fans.

There have been so many things going on, and so much WORK to do (I swear this is against my goddamn human rights or something), I haven't even managed to form an opinion, let alone write about it. That's a lie: I have formed them - you'll just have to guess on which side of the fence I'm sitting.

Here are some of the interesting things I've read this week but haven't had time to write about...

1. A really good article on Times Online about the decline of feminism.

2. A heartwarming little story about the "outing" of Belle de Jour, and the fellow blogger who guarded her secret for years.

3. Edgar Wright (director of Spaced, Shaun of the Dead, etc) and his crusade against The Times for reproducing his (edited) writing as a 'comment' piece without his permission.

I've also been itching to tell you what I thought of Sky 1's Michael Jackson seance and Channel 4's 'The Execution of Gary Glitter', but since both of them were first shown over a fortnight ago it's probably not worth it. Suffice to say, I didn't like either of them.

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