Tuesday 13 October 2009

McFly me to the moon

As you might already know, I'm a bit of a McFly fan. There is nothing new I can say about this: it's just me. Deal with it.

Anyway, it's just been announced that one of the best ever McFly songs to feature a brass section, Star Girl, is going to be played in space! How exciting is that?! It's really really exciting, believe me.

The song will be played to the crew of the International Space Station on October 21st, the result of a long Twitter campaign by some of the band's more vociferous fans (Twitter has a lot to answer for today).

If you're not familiar with the song (it's a MODERN CLASSIC, people), here it is.

And yes, he did say "when I fell in love with Uranus." Kids these days.

PS If any journalist steals my "McFly me to the moon" headline idea, I will be LIVID. Same goes for Gatelygate.

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