Here's something I've always wondered about. When you get adverts like the one above, where the backing is a brilliant but previously-unheard-of song by a previously-unheard-of band (well, I'd previously not heard of them, but then I get most of my new music from Popjustice and Friday Night With Jonathan Ross), who pays whom?
I mean, I'm sure loads of people have downloaded that song who'd never otherwise have heard of it, so should their record label be paying XBox and Sky for the publicity? Or is it a simple "we want to use your song so we're paying you for its use" transaction? Or do these cancel each other out so much that you've basically got one company saying to the other, "actually we're both going to come out of this ad campaign looking pretty damn cool so shall we just call it even?"
Anyway, the song is Dominos by The Big Pink (the mis-spelling is their fault, not mine), and it's on iTunes if you want it. The verses aren't as good as the chorus, but it sits very nicely on my iPod between 'Do ya' by McFly and 'Don't you want me baby' by the Human League.
Yep, found it on the same advert, love it despite its wonky grasp of plurals.
Maybe if the 'poo at Paul's' advert had a soundtrack like this, we wouldn't despise that kid so much.
Do you know who pays whom? I actually genuinely want to know.
Good, and I'm glad you're keeping it to yourself. I don't want any useful information on this blog - I have a reputation to uphold.
I can't tell you for a least a year, that wouldn't be in the spirit of things.
Excellent. Maybe a year or two after that I'll give my review of your explanation, along with a YouTube clip.
They were laying the video of "Don't you want me baby" in the hotel last night. Wonderful blast from the past. Hmm, suddenly realised I don't have Human League on my iTunes. Off to buy right now.
Does this make me one of those "influential bloggers" people talk about?
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