Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Neighbours-style cock-up

Sarah and I are big fans of the X Factor. We are such big fans, in fact, that we spend our Saturday nights texting bitchy messages to each other along the lines of "I like his dancing - it looks like he's broken both his legs" and "this one looks like one of his eyebrows is a Satanist". (Top marks if you can guess who both of those refer to, by the way).

While some of our comments are overwhelmingly kind and loving ("I quite like him actually"), most of them are unfairly critical, sweary and written in capitals. I enjoy this very much.

Anyway, this is all just backstory so that you'll understand the following text message I sent yesterday afternoon:

"I've just been to see the remake of Fame at the cinema. The first 20 minutes are so like the X Factor, I very nearly forgot where I was and texted you a BELLEND ALERT."

I hope you can appreciate how strange that message would sound out of context. It was only much later that evening that I realised I'd accidentally sent this message to the person I'd been at the cinema with. She hasn't replied.


WillowC said...

It's as well you put the beginning part in and didn't just text BELLEND ALERT to someone who hadn't been pre-warned.

p.s. I'm not watching it any more. They kicked my Yank out, I refuse. Just like I refused on Saturday.

Becca said...

I'm gonna say Olly (hubba hubba!) and Rikki (moany, whiny, pethetic loser)...

And classic error Piggers. I've done this many a time.

Pignut said...

WillowC - but what will I do without your "the yank was turfed out for THIS?!" comments? How will I know what to think about John and Edward? YOU MUST WATCH. You will watch. I'm going to actually print out and fill in my playsheet this week.

Sandra Dee - I'm not going to tell you whether your guesses are right or wrong, so that other people can join in. (Clue: if they were wrong, I'd have said).