Thursday, 11 February 2010

Political poltroonery

Just a quick request, and some good news.

The good news: I have another new blog! This is the usual way of things with me, as you might already know - after 70-odd posts on any subject I become bored and easily distr- OHMYGOD IT'S A SPOON.


The new blog is and it will be utterly fascinating to those of you who enjoy reading about politics at a very basic level. And those of you who enjoy reading sarky quips about stupid celebrities. And those of you who'll read any old rubbish. I hope you love it, and I intend to keep it going at least until the day of the general election.

The quick request: please follow, comment (nicely), contribute etc, and send me links to anything you think will fit. It's already getting quite a few readers but no-one is joining in. *Sadface*.

And if you're familiar with my other blog - the one I did before this one, nudge nudge - please go there now to discover The Morons' Manifesto's working title. It's like I'm giving you secret extra free CONTENT or something! Like all secret extra free content, it's not really worth the effort, but this at least shows that I know how to do "marketing".

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