Tuesday, 7 December 2010
The feminism, Assange and freedom of speech Venn diagram of doom
Ever since the US Government started hunting down whistleblower Assange on rape charges, life has been difficult for me. On the one hand, it seems like an entirely obvious plot to stop Assange in his tracks, or at least plant a seed of doubt in his supporters' minds. It's so obvious, it seems foolish to even entertain the idea that the rape allegations might be true - that's what "the man" wants us to believe, but we're not listening, ha!
But on the other hand, someone has been accused of rape. Alleged victims have gone through the pain of reporting him, and are prepared (presumably) to go through the pain of giving evidence in a court. Rape conviction rates are notoriously low and victims often find it near-impossible to make their voices heard - it seems wrong to disbelieve someone simply because their timing seems convenient.
As far as I can see, one of the many likely explanations is this: Something happened between these women and Assange that made them feel uncomfortable and upset (the story currently circulating is that the women consented to sex using a condom, but Assange did not use one or was aware that it had broken and carried on regardless). The women were not aware that this could be defined as rape or sexual assault, so they did not report it. US officials, looking for dirt on Assange, sought out his friends and ex-girlfriends, happened upon these women, informed them of their rights and encouraged them to report him, assuring them that they would be protected. The women have a right to report him if he's done something illegal - thank goodness for freedom of speech, eh?
In summary, if it weren't for Wikileaks, Assange might never have been reported, but that doesn't necessarily make the allegations untrue.
Of course, as in any case, the alleged victims could be lying. As in any case, they might not be.
I'm aware that this blog post contains exactly the sort of view Assange's detractors want to spread - by locking him up, they want to muddy the waters of Wikileaks and present it as a sinister organisation led by a dangerous man. But luckily, most right-thinking people are able to distingish between the man and the organisation he fronts. Regardless of whether he's a rapist or perfectly decent (or anything in between), the information Wikileaks has got hold of should be unaffected by this controversy - it doesn't make it less real or less damaging to the people in power. He and his organisation are still within their rights to make it public.
Anyway, I've decided that I can be a feminist and refuse to disbelieve the alleged victims unless proved otherwise, while still asserting that Wikileaks is being targeted by a nervous government intent on destroying it. The key is to remove Assange's alleged behaviour from the mix, step back and look at the big picture, see?
This doesn't mean I've decided what I'm getting you for Christmas though.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
I am woman, hear me express my opinion in a measured and reasonable way
Women seem to reject the term just as easily as men do, thinking it means "man-hater" or "shouty unshaved lesbian with a megaphone", or simply "opinionated". Not very feminine - what self-respecting woman would want to get a reputation for being opinionated? Not me.
A commonly-held belief in the UK is that the feminism of the 60s and 70s has done its job, we have as much equality as we need, and there's nothing more to do. Personally, I don't think so - women are still judged on appearances far more than men are, sexism is still part of our language and the assumptions we make about people, and conviction rates for sexual assault and rape are depressingly low at around 6% - but regardless, the UK is in a far better position than many countries.
Worldwide, women are still bound by a restrictive idea of what makes them feminine, and prevented from speaking their minds, talking about their sexuality, and making their own choices. Abortion is still illegal in most cases across South America and Africa - in Chile, a woman is unable to have a legal abortion even if she's pregnant as a result of rape, or if her life is at risk. Rape is still used as a weapon of war. Across the world, the lesson is repeated and reinforced: women's bodies are not their own.

The basic definition of a feminist is a person who believes in equal rights for women and men, that's all. That's EQUAL rights, not more or better rights than men - just simple equality, the same opportunities and the same level of respect. You're probably a feminist yourself.
There's no rulebook that defines who's a feminist and who isn't. I'm very proud to call myself a feminist, although (heaven forbid) I don't conform to the stereotype. Most feminists don't - I guess that's what happens with every stereotype there is. I'm also an English person, but I don't own a single bowler hat.
I don't hate men, and I don't think gender equality is to be found in judging men in the same physical terms that men judge women. I don't think men "should" wax their chests because women feel they must shave their legs - two wrongs don't make a right. I have no problem with "the c-word" (although many feminists do, and I respect that), but I do clench my fists with rage when John McCririck strides into the Big Brother house and assigns the name "Bristols" to a woman he's only just met. And I despair a little when that woman doesn't challenge him on it.

You don't have to subscribe to any of the views I've expressed in order to be a feminist - we're all different. You don't have to put 'Sisters are Doing it for Themselves' on repeat and dance around the kitchen. Sorry - living room.
You don't have to abandon the kitchen either - baking a cake as a treat for your boyfriend doesn't make you anti-feminist, if that's what you feel like doing. You don't have to stop shaving your armpits, or start wearing dungarees. You just have to find the strength to acknowledge that treating someone as inferior because of the genitals they were born with is wrong, ditch the idea that you're "not a feminist", and get a bit angry.
Today is Women's Equality Day. Please have a bit of a shout.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Political poltroonery
The good news: I have another new blog! This is the usual way of things with me, as you might already know - after 70-odd posts on any subject I become bored and easily distr- OHMYGOD IT'S A SPOON.
The new blog is http://www.moronsmanifesto.blogspot.com/ and it will be utterly fascinating to those of you who enjoy reading about politics at a very basic level. And those of you who enjoy reading sarky quips about stupid celebrities. And those of you who'll read any old rubbish. I hope you love it, and I intend to keep it going at least until the day of the general election.
The quick request: please follow, comment (nicely), contribute etc, and send me links to anything you think will fit. It's already getting quite a few readers but no-one is joining in. *Sadface*.
And if you're familiar with my other blog - the one I did before this one, nudge nudge - please go there now to discover The Morons' Manifesto's working title. It's like I'm giving you secret extra free CONTENT or something! Like all secret extra free content, it's not really worth the effort, but this at least shows that I know how to do "marketing".
Thursday, 14 January 2010
SKINS IS BACK! *Stands up, salutes TV*

Skins generation 1, looking like they could do with a nap.
Series 1, episode 5
Tony's selfish maniplation of his friends, and particularly his girlfriend Michelle, is horrible to watch throughout the first series (I mean that in a good way). The most heartwrenching moment has got to be the way he very publicly dumps Michelle for posh bird Abigail. Skins does humiliation very well.
Towards the end of its first series, Skins takes a gamble by writing a whole episode based on a minor character who hasn't said a single word so far, Tony's little sister Effy. Something has to make Tony realise what an arse he's been, and this only happens when his sister is drugged and kidnapped by a posh thug. The situation is all of Tony's making, and the scene where he begs for her safety is both sickening and beyond-the-edge-of-your-seat dramatic. Poor horrible Tony.
Cheer up, love.
Series 1, episode 9
Probably the best end-of-series final scene of all time. Tony has decided he loves Michelle, he phones to tell her, and gets hit by a bus. Then, while Effy screams her little heart out and Tony lies bleeding in the road, the entire cast performs 'Wild World' by Cat Stevens. Are you still wondering why I love this show?
Series 2, episode 2
Osama The Musical. Maxxie and his stalker, Sketch, perform in the hilariously ill-advised 9/11 school musical (sing along: "then came the day, Osama blew us away..."). All Sketch wants is a lead role in the play opposite Maxxie, who is gay, so that she can kiss him and make him fall in love with her by "magic". So she makes false allegations against her drama teacher to get him sacked, then ties up her disabled mother, poisons Michelle and takes over her starring role, only to be left rejected and bereft in front of a baffled audience. We've all been there.
Series 2, episode 3
Sid's dad (Peter Capaldi) has died unexpectedly and Sid has spent the day wandering about in a silent daze. The scene where Sid tells his best friend Tony is beautiful: in a crowded club, they face each other - Sid with a look of complete bewilderment - words are said (we don't know what), they hug and Sid finally cries for the loss of his dad.
You know things are going badly when Sid has forgotten to put his hat on.
Series 2, episode 9
Chris's death. This is a series that's supposed to be for youngsters, for Christ's sake - you can't have a brilliant main character just DIE! And we thought he was getting better. Sob. The brief scene where Cassie rolls him over on the bed gave me nightmares.Series 2, episode 10
Jal's speech at Chris's funeral. After an episode full of coffin-related comedy moments, things finally get serious and Jal, annoyed that the funeral is being conducted by people who didn't know Chris, makes a speech of her own over the vicar's burblings. It's sweet and heartfelt, and we love her for it - and so does Chris's dad, despite himself.

Generation 2, who look like they've at least had a wash.
Almost an entirely new cast for series 3, and in episode 7 we get to know JJ, who has a degree of autism and a list of medications as long as your arm - he just wants to be normal. His various social disadvantages are a constant worry to his mum (played brilliantly by Juliet Cowan), who tries her best. After Emily helps him to face his fears, they spend the night together, and I love the scene where the two of them come down to breakfast in the morning. The look on JJ's mum's face is at first shocked, then worried that he might not need her any more, then finally accepting and relieved.
Series 3, episode 9
At the school dance, twins Katie and Emily have a massive punch-up, Emily and Naomi finally declare their love to each other in front of the whole school, and Pandora and Thomas have a lovely "let's start again" moment, while 'It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry' by Glasvegas plays in the background, making the whole thing seem like a proper Hollywood ending on a budget.
Series 3, episode 10
Cook is undoubtedly the most interesting character in Skins series 3, and at the end of the series we get to meet his estranged deadbeat dad. Cook needs a father figure - before now he's had Freddie to look up to, but now he's putting all his faith in Daddy, played by Matt King. After he loses his dad's boat in a stupid bet, he finds himself on that boat, with his dad trying to escape and refusing to take Cook with him. This is the first and only time we see the formerly invincible Cook desperate and crying, heartbroken with the boat's key in his hand, begging his father not to abandon him again while that same man threatens and insults him. The dialogue and acting in this scene are absolutely 100% perfect.
If you're in the UK and don't mind a bit of violence and "language", you can watch every episode of Skins for free by clicking this link to the 4OD service. And I hear series 4 is going to be even better. SET THE VIDEO, PEOPLE - it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.