Friday, 27 November 2009

Will you SHUT UP about Lady Gaga?

No I will not.

The problem with Lady Gaga (not that there is a problem, but if you thought there was a problem then it would be this) is (potentially) that she's so bonkers, her bonkersness is all people talk about. You mention Gaga and everyone goes "yes did you see the Kermit The Frog outfit?", or "that shoulder pads thing makes her look like a comedy hunchback", or "I hear she has a penis."

And then she does a performance like the one above, and you remember that she's actually an incredibly talented musician and singer. SO THERE.

1 comment:

Chez Guevara said...

Very good performance.

And yet whilst watching it, as the camera went in for a close-up, I couldn't help thinking she looked like she is singing the song in bed with the worst case of conjunctivitis I've ever seen.

Still, it's refreshing to have someone doing pop that isn't identikit.