Saturday, 19 February 2011

A quick word

After the resounding success of The Morons' Manifesto (turns out all you have to do is put celeb names in your blogpost titles and people read them for literally months after they've become irrelevant), I have ANOTHER blog on the go. It's work-related, but don't let that put you off.

At my current rate, I plan to run out of ideas for this one in nine days' time. Please "interact and engage with the blog" (ask questions) to keep me going.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Sexism, on your telly, every ad break? Do me a favour, love.

Oh dear, the Andy Gray and Richard Keys sexism thing has rumbled on somewhat, hasn't it? At least now that they've lost their jobs we can all get back to normal though, eh? You know - normal society, and normal 21st century broadcasting, where sexist views just aren't acceptable any more. Because they're not, are they? And anyone caught airing their terribly outdated sexist views would be sacked on the spot, obviously, because bloody hell it's goddamn 2011 and it's JUST NOT ACCEPTABLE ANY MORE. Right? Right.

I mean, obviously this Virgin Atlantic ad isn't sexist, because it's about the eighties. It isn't about men gawping at pretty ladies who are employed to be pretty rather than do a job - it's about the eighties. And besides, it was okay to gawp and be sexist in the eighties because no one minded back then.

And this is DEFINITELY not sexist because it's just about men being pathetic malingering bastards who send their obviously exhausted and sickly wives out to get their Strepsils. Ho ho ho, isn't it funny how men get away with this sort of thing all the time?

Of all the men I've met in my lifetime (and there must have been at least ten of them, so quite a representative sample of the population), I don't think any of them would let me rest up at home for a day or two if I had a cold. It's just not the sort of thing men do - let's be honest. They really are horrible. And if THEY get a cold, well then obviously the world has to stop turning on its axis, doesn't it? Tut. No wonder there are no men in positions of power if this is the way they behave at the first sign of a sniffle. In fact, if I was the CEO of a multi-national corporation I'd probably choose not to employ any man of flu-bearing age, just in case he started taking days off or being ratty with his co-workers because of "men's problems". So anyway, the Boots advert can't be sexist because we know that every man takes advantage of the good nature of their partner at the drop of a hat, but it's also not sexist because sexism only happens to women.

But what's that you say? It is sexist towards women because they're being portrayed as doormats who'd perform any demeaning and potentially health-threatening task just to please their man and stay in a relationship? What nonsense. As if that would be allowed in this day and age.

Hang on. I just Googled "sexist adverts" and got a Daily Mail article from yesterday saying something quite similar to what I'm saying here. My point is that banning sexism is good but if you're just going to weed out a couple of idiot sports presenters you're not going far enough. I think the Mail's point is that Keys and Gray should look for new jobs in advertising.